The Saint Germain PrimeTimers is a very active group. Activities are scheduled as reoccurring events (see the Weekly Events and Up Coming Events page) and events that happen once a year (see the Up Coming Events, Theater Plays and Special Tours pages).
To find out about a specific PrimeTimers activity see the Upcoming Events page on the web site. The current activity list is included in each Newsletters.
Aging & Disability Resource Center of Vilas County – The ADRC of Vilas County (formerly the Commission on Aging) offers many services to assist any person age 60 or over. They can be reached at 715-479-3625 or 1-800-374-1123. Aging and Disability Resource Centers are welcoming and accessible places where older people and people with disabilities can obtain information, advice and help in locating services or applying for benefits. They provide a central source of reliable and objective information about a broad range of programs and services and help people understand and evaluate the various options available to them.
Escort drivers – the Commission on Aging is looking for drivers for the escort program. The escort driver transports others to medical appointments and shopping. It pays 56 cents per mile of travel. Your time is donated. Can you spare some time to help people who cannot drive? Call the Commission on Aging at 715-479-3625.
Get Well & Sympathy Cards – Please notify our “Sunshine” person, Milly Belluomini 715-356-9978, if you know of a PrimeTimer that has an illness, hospitalization or death in their family so we can send them a card. This will help someone in distress receive a little sunshine in their day.
Grocery Store Receipts – When shopping at Camp’s Sentry Foods in Saint Germain please remember to put the PrimeTimer ID number ( CD11 ) on your receipt and place it in the basket provided in the store.
Northwoods Transit Connections – Provides public transportation service to the communities of Rhinelander, Eagle River, Minocqua/Woodruff and St Germain. Discounts for older adults and adults with disabilities, monthly passes are also available for unlimited rides. Contact Northwoods Transit for more information at 715-420-0585 or toll free 844-267-4762 or their website.
Smart 911 – Smart 911 has replaced Code Red. Sign up in order to receive Important Messages and Emergency Alert Notifications from the Vilas County, Wisconsin Emergency Management Authority!
Smart911 allows citizens to provide the additional details that 9-1-1 call takers may need in order to assist them during an emergency. When you dial 9-1-1 today the information received by the 9-1-1 call center can be limited based on the type of phone you are calling on. With Smart911, anytime you make an emergency call from a phone registered with your Safety Profile, the 9-1-1 systems recognizes your phone number and automatically displays your profile on the screen of the call taker who receives your call.
At a time when you may be panicked, or unable to communicate, or it could be unsafe to communicate, Smart911 ensures that the details you would need to tell 9-1-1 are immediately available in the event you cannot verbally provide them. Smart911 is free, private and secure.
Wild Instincts – Wild Instincts provides quality, ethical wildlife rehabilitation while promoting wildlife stewardship through education and research.
Vilas Food Pantry – 1013 Highway 45 North, Eagle River. Located just north of the Kalmar Center. Contact Sandy Weber, Director 715 479-9581. Open every Wednesday from 8:30 to 10:00 AM, and every first and third Tuesday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. It is recommended that you get on a schedule of picking up a two-week supply of groceries. This would allow you to go two times per month. Those who are picking up food at the Vilas Food Pantry can eat next door at the Kalmar Center at 5:00 PM without charge.
Lakeland Area Food Pantry – 1707 Highway 51 North, Arbor Vitae. Located just north of Northern Lights Harley-Davidson on the opposite side of the highway. It is open for food distribution on Tuesday from 8:30 to 11:30 am, and Thursday from 3:30 to 6:00 pm. Guidelines are available at the pantry. Call for days and times 715-358-2222.
Links –
Town of Saint Germain
Saint Germain Town Officials
Saint Germain Area Chamber of Commerce
Aging & Disability Resource Center of Vilas County (ADRC)
Vilas County Government
Northwoods Transit Connection
Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups (CWAG)
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources (GWAAR)
Lakeland Cinema – in Woodruff
Vilas Theater – in Eagle River
Rouman Theater – in Rhinelander
Northwoods Children’s Museum – in Eagle River
Northland Pines School District
Sayner-St Germain Fish and Wildlife Club
Trees For Tomorrow – in Eagle River
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR),
State Senator 12th Senate District –
Senator Mary Felzkowski
Telephone 608-266-2509
Contact Senator Mary Felzkowski
State Representative 34th Assembly District –
Representative Rob Swearingen
Telephone 608-266-7141 or 888-534-0034
Contact Representative Rob Swearingen
U.S. Senator –
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson
Telephone 202-224-5323
Contact Senator Ron Johnson
U.S. Senator –
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin
Telephone 202-224-5653
Contact Senator Tammy Baldwin
U.S. Representative District 7 –
U.S. Representative Tom Tiffany
Telephone 202-225-3365
Contact Representative Tom Tiffany